Celebrity News August 30, 2015
Nicki Minaj Throws Down With Miley Cyrus Live on the VMAs!

Nicki Minaj buried the hatchet with Taylor Swift on tonight's MTV VMAs, duetting on "The Night Is Still Young" and "Bad Blood" to open the show.
Miley Cyrus is another story altogether!
After winning Best Hip-Hop Video for "Anaconda," Nicki pointedly threw the show back to Miley with, "And now back to this bitch that had a lot to say about me the other day in the press. Miley, what's good?"
Miley replied in kind, saying that everyone does interviews that are manipulated and glancing Nicki's way when she said the word "losers" as part of a speech about how even those who fail to win Moonmen often go on to grab eyes with high-profile performances.
Nicki was reacting to Miley's New York Times interview, in which she called Nicki out for being a sore loser. Miley told the Times:
"What I read sounded very Nicki Minaj, which, if you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind. It's not very polite. I think there's a way you speak to people with openness and love. You don't have to start this pop star against pop star war. It became Nicki Minaj and Taylor in a fight, so now the story isn't even on what you wanted it to be about."
Video clip courtesy of MTV.