Celebrity News December 04, 2015
Baby Watch! Kim Kardashian Is 'Feeling Fat’ As Due Date Approaches

On Thursday morning, Kim Kardashian took to her website to reveal how she is feeling just before her due date.
Kardashian, who is craving Lay's barbecue potato chips, wrote, “I'm feeling fat as f—. My cankles are out of control.”
Though Kim's second child has not entered the world yet, he is already "the size of a pumpkin."
Since Kardashian's baby boy is set to arrive soon, she is asking others to help her decide on a name. She admitted, "[I dislike] all baby names I am hearing. We need to think of a good name. This is so hard! And nights. I hardly sleep at all!”
Kim's husband Kanye is very anxious for the baby's arrival. He recently told a crowd at the Footwear News Achievement Awards, "I'm waiting on my son to arrive any day now and I look at my daughter and I look at my wife and she's rich and I don't plan on being broke."