Television March 07, 2017
Vanessa Grimaldi Sparks Nick Viall Engagement Rumors

Vanessa Grimaldi is one of the two women fighting for the final rose on Nick Viall's season of “The Bachelor.”
Over the weekend, Vanessa took a photo with wedding gowns and bridal dresses surrounding her. Her friend Holly posted the pic, writing, "🌹A good way to end the week at the office! #thebachelor.”
Fans speculated that Vanessa is the girl that takes home the final rose on the ABC show, with one writing, "Just ruin the entire show why don't ya !”
In response to the anger, Holly responded, "Store called @lechateau - sells regular clothing too for any one thinking it's a spoiler 💕.”
On Monday, Vanessa posted a pic of herself with Nick while "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" was airing. She wrote, "3 hour Bachelor episode! 🙃#ithinkTitanicwasshorter #thebachelor."