Celebrity News October 23, 2016
'SNL' Snipes Back at Trump in Stone-Cold Open

"SNL" continued spoofing the election Saturday night, taking on the third presidential debate in a skit that got a little revenge on Donald Trump after the Republican nominee had referred to the show's skits about him as "a hit job."
Moderator Tom Hanks, playing FOX News' Chris Wallace, got the ball rolling by announcing the debate was "a lot like the third 'Lord of the Rings' movie — you don't really wanna watch, but hey, you've come this far."
Kate McKinnon's hyper-confident Clinton reveled in her qualifications for the job, underscoring her fitness on the topic of women's issues: "What two better people are there to talk about women's issues, me a woman who has had a child and has taken birth control and him, a man who is a child and whose face is birth control.”
She wound up her pitch by promising to be a "stone-cold B" once in office.
As Trump, Alec Baldwin sniffed, pouted about the election being rigged, and declared he has all the best stars in his corner, including Sarah Palin, Scott Baio, and "the best Baldwin brother, Stephen Baldwin." Stephen Baldwin is a Trump booster who has criticized his brother for his Trump impression, while Alec is one of the country's most famous liberals.
Watch the whole hilarious sketch!