Celebrity News October 20, 2021
Halle Berry & Van Hunt on Being in Love: ‘You Have to Wait for Things in Life’

It was date night for Halle Berry and her boyfriend Van Hunt at the Elle Women in Hollywood celebration.
“Extra’s” Terri Seymour caught up with the actress on the red carpet. Halle introduced her to Van before bringing him into the interview.
Terri told Halle she was glowing, asking, “Are you just madly in love?”
Berry gushed, “We are… Sometimes you have to wait for things in life. I waited patiently — well, maybe not patiently, but I waited.”
Terri told Van, “To see her this happy and glowing is just the best.” Van replied, “It is, it is the best.” Van said, “She’s a good photographer, too,” referring to a birthday tribute to him on social media that Halle had posted. Halle revealed, “I take all of his photos on social media.”
Halle graces the cover of Elle and is getting ready to make her directorial debut with the film “Bruised,” about a disgraced MMA fighter.
The movie premieres in November, and Berry explained, “It’s actually like having a real baby. It’s the most joyful moment of my life and also the scariest. Putting myself out in this way is frightening, but I realized that’s why had to do it.”
She stars in the film as well, and was recently featured in The New York Times. Halle shared, “To be in that paper, that just made me feel like it’s all worthwhile.”
Training hard for her role, she said, “I had a couple broken toes… Out-of-socket jammed finger… Then I broke two ribs while we were actually on the second day… I had to go the whole rest of the shoot with broken ribs… When you’re so into something, the pain was there, it was real each day… When the whole movie was over… I was in bed for a good month after that trying to catch my breath and let those ribs heal.”
She was treating herself as well! Her go-to? “Salt-and-vinegar chips and red wine.”