Television December 09, 2014
Controversial 'Biggest Loser' Winner Looks So Different!

Rachel Frederickson made headlines when she walked onto the stage at “The Biggest Loser” Season 15 finale looking shockingly thin.
The voiceover artist had dropped 155 lbs., from 260 to 105, stunning the coaches and causing a backlash over her extreme weight loss.
Now, she's speaking up about the experience as one of's “2014 Voices.”
In a new blog post, Frederickson shared recent photos of herself looking happy and healthy, while discussing how she landed on “The Biggest Loser,” and how the criticism affected her.
She wrote, “When I fell in love during high school with a foreign exchange student, I made decisions from my heart. This strong, confident, independent and proud young woman landed in Germany on her 18th birthday. I started college and a new life with a young man I thought I would be with forever.
“It didn't take long before the voice of a boy I loved started diminishing my self-esteem. His voice told me I wasn't enough and I believed it. I started listening to a louder voice than my own, and in turn, I lost the person I loved being.”

[Credit: ABC]
Rachel continued, “Fast forward to a lonely, overweight girl. I spent most days alone working from my home vocal studio. A job I loved, but loneliness I hated. I made a decision to start fighting for myself again and I was so excited and grateful to be chosen as one of the contestants on Season 15 of 'The Biggest Loser.'"
She went on to explain the lessons she learned on the ranch and how she was “extremely proud” as she walked onto the finale stage. “That moment didn't last long,” she revealed.
“Comments during the controversial storm following my weight loss were hurtful,” she said. “My self-esteem once again was affected by other people's voices — this time, the kind that live forever in Facebook posts or written in the pages of magazines. People tried to bring me down and (privately) succeeded. To the voices of those who tried to lift me up after the finale, I thank you!”
She went on to say, “There will always be other voices in life. The trouble comes when you stop listening to your own. I am committed to trusting my decisions and standing strong behind them. I found strength in this struggle and I am listening to my own voice again!”
Visit to read Rachel's entire essay!