November 27, 2009
Take Jean Chatzky's Debt Diet Quiz
Do You Need A Debt Diet?
Getting your debt under your control and boosting your savings in the process can be just the ticket to a happier, healthier life. The debt diet can help. Answer the following questions to find out whether you need a debt diet or not:
* Do you and your spouse/significant other argue about money? Yes/No
* Do you delay opening your credit card (and other bills) every month? Yes/No
* Do you feel like you live paycheck to paycheck? Yes/No
* Do you have trouble saving? Yes/No
* Do you pay just the minimums on one or more credit cards every month? Yes/No
* Do you avoid checking your credit report or credit score because you don't want to know what it says? Yes/No
* Do you ever pay for something half with cash/half with credit to hide it from your spouse -- or pretend something new is actually "just this old thing?" Yes/No
If you answered yes to more than one question, you need help with your debt. The Debt Diet -- which you can find at -- can get you started.