February 05, 2017
Kristen Stewart Drops F-Bomb, Comes Out as 'Like, So Gay, Dude' on 'SNL'

Kristen Stewart's "Saturday Night Live" monologue could go down as one of the most memorable of the year, partly because she trolled President Trump over his past tweets about her, partly because she seemingly accidentally dropped the F-bomb on live TV and partly because the actress proclaimed herself to be "like, so gay."
Looking stunning in an edgy black dress that exposed her legs, Stewart began by mocking her association with the "Twilight" franchise, joking that she was on the show to promote the film's eighth anniversary on Netflix.
From there, she dove into teasing Trump for the 11 tweets he posted about her relationship with ex-boyfriend Robert Pattinson several years ago.
"I don't think he likes me that much," Stewart said of Trump. "Here's how I know..." She then read some of Trump's tweets, using the cadence of a teen girl.
Read some of the (real) tweets Trump posted back in the day:

Stewart wrapped the bit by noting, "So, yeah, that's crazy, right? The President is not a huge fan of me. But that is so okay, and, Donald, if you didn't like me then, you're really probably not gonna like me now 'cause I'm hosting 'SNL' and I'm, like, so gay, dude."
She has been open about her relationships with women (including with current girlfriend, model Stella Maxwell), telling Elle UK of her relationship with then-girlfriend Alicia Cargile, "To hide this provides the implication that I'm not down with it or I'm ashamed of it, so I had to alter how I approached being in public. It opened my life up and I'm so much happier."
Still, it was the first time ever that Stewart had proclaimed herself "gay," and the audience cheered her declaration.
She ended her monologue, surrounded by cast members Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant, by saying hosting the show was the "coolest f*ckin' thing ev-" before covering her mouth and exclaiming, "Ope!" After spinning in shame, she went on to say, "And I'm sorry... and I'll never come back!"
Watch the whole thing!