Television May 12, 2015
Rachel McAdams Dishes on Her Gritty New Character in 'True Detective'
Starlet Rachel McAdams is about to play a character unlike any she's played, when she appears in the new season of HBO's “True Detective."
McAdams opened up to Marie Claire about her latest role as Detective Ani Bezzerides for their June cover story.

[Credit: Jan Welters/Marie Claire]
The 36-year-old explained the character, saying, “I love that she's not the girlfriend or the wife… she doesn't really care what everyone thinks; she feels no responsibility for other people's feelings. She's not trying to be charming, which isn't always the case with a leading lady. There's [usually] sort of a responsibility to be a little bit likable… not that you want to be a horrendous character, just a little more human.”
As far as the discovery process is concerned, Rachel said, “I love the exploration of someone who has such a different background from you. That exploration runs to compassion, and to cracking yourself open and creating more understanding of how weird and amazing life is.”

[Credit: Jan Welters/Marie Claire]
She added that after the success of films like “Mean Girls,” “The Notebook” and “Wedding Crashers,” she had to “reassess.”
“I had to kind of reassess and go, 'What did I want this [success] to be, and how did I expect it to look?'”
Visit for the full interview!