Celebrity News May 28, 2020
Naomi Campbell Speaks Out on the Death of George Floyd, Plus: Her Work with Pat McGrath Labs

Naomi Campbell, like many celebrities, has been vocal on social media regarding George Floyd's death and police brutality. “Extra's” Terri Seymour spoke to the supermodel today about the case, and on a lighter note, about her work with Pat McGrath Labs.
Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died Monday shortly after being arrested for a non-violent act in Minneapolis. Video of the arrest shows a white police officer with his knee on Floyd's neck as Floyd says he can't breathe and pleads for help.
Naomi said, “This virus has brought out even more racism in these people who abuse their authority on innocent people.” She added, “We will be speaking and we will be taking action, in a peaceful way. Nobody is going to label us. I am black and I am proud. This is not going away like they wish it would — the whole world is looking at this."
On a more positive note, Naomi was just named the first-ever global face of Pat McGrath Labs. McGrath joined Naomi on the call to talk about their decades of work together.
Naomi said she was “very honored when Pat asked me. I'm so proud of Pat, what she stands for as a woman of color, what she has done in our industry… Pat is an artist, not just makeup artist… For me to remember how hard it was when I started modeling in the '80s to find makeup that matched my skin. So many people comment on my pictures, they can see that back then we had to wear the wrong foundation — they just didn't have it. For many reasons, I was so honored and thrilled to be a part of Pat McGrath and Pat McGrath Labs. She's just the best.”
To kick things off, Campbell is starring in the Divine Rose campaign, featuring blush-toned eye shadows and lipsticks.
McGrath said, “From the beginning of the line when I was creating the line, creating the colors of the lines, Naomi would be first and foremost in my mind of, 'Is Naomi going to like this?'”
Pat continued, “I am so honored to have Naomi, the philanthropist, the supermodel, the uber everything icon. For Naomi to begin this journey as the Divine Rose is everything to me.”
Campbell said of the makeup palette, “Divine Rose for me was warm, it makes the skin glow, and right now, making warmth and glow is my favorite thing… I'm not great at my own makeup, but I can do it with Pat, it's so user-friendly.”
Naomi, however, said she cannot pick a favorite look that they have done together, insisting, “I trust Pat. I get in the chair, I sit, I don't look in the mirror. I trust her.”