Celebrity News January 20, 2017
Alec Baldwin Channels Donald Trump at NYC Protest Rally

One night before Donald Trump's inauguration, actor Alec Baldwin impersonated him at a protest in New York City.
While speaking to over 20,000 people, Baldwin channeled Trump without the wig and makeup he usually wears on “Saturday Night Live.” Baldwin poked fun at Trump's recent Russia scandal, saying, “I just wanna say I've been standing out here in the freezing cold for a long time. I have to go to the bathroom. I have to pee. But I'm holding it in, I'm holding it in — I'm not gonna pee.”
He went on to praise the resiliency of Manhattanites, saying, “Donald Trump and Steve Bannon and Mike Pence and all these people that are part of the Trump Administration, they think that you are gonna lay down. The one thing they don't realize is that New Yorkers never lay down.”
Earlier this week, Stephen Baldwin told “Extra's” AJ Calloway that his brother Alec does “a brilliant Trump.” Watch!
Along with Alec, Robert De Niro, Cher, Julianne Moore, and Mark Ruffalo were among the other celebrities to participate in the Big Apple rally. De Niro, who praised Meryl Streep after she was slammed by Donald Trump for being “overrated” following her Golden Globes speech, told the audience, "I'm very happy to be here tonight with all of you, and all of my overrated friends.”
Alec recently revealed to “Extra's” Renee Bargh that he will be reprising his role as Trump on this weekend's episode of “Saturday Night Live.” Watch!