Celebrity News October 12, 2016
Sean Hannity on Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump: 'He Nailed It!'

Only “Extra's” AJ Calloway caught up with FOX News anchor Sean Hannity, whose show “Hannity” ranks #1 in basic cable for the 10 p.m. ET time slot.
Hannity has been at the network since the beginning. “Day one — can you believe I survived? This is my 21st year and my 30th in radio.”
Hannity, a Donald Trump supporter, takes on the political climate on a daily basis. When AJ joked that Hannity was voting for Hillary Clinton, he smiled, “Oh, great — there goes my career!”
The newsman weighed in on the latest Trump controversy, the Republican candidate's lewd comments with Billy Bush in 2005. “I'm not gonna defend what he says on the tapes. I don't think anybody should, but those are words and we can all act like we've never heard these things before... what's the difference between tapes and actions? I've interviewed the women that made allegations against Bill Clinton… What's worse? Locker room talk... I'll ask the 'Extra' audience, that's an 'Extra Credit' question.”
The 54-year-old is hoping for a Trump win, but revealed he wasn't always on board with the Republican nominee. He said, “I wasn't sure. It was always interesting to me 'cause I've known him for so many years. When he sets his mind to something, he's fierce, he's tunnel vision, and he's focused. I think the biggest unreported story is his growth trajectory.”
Hannity declared Trump the undisputed winner of the last debate, saying, “His first debate was fine, nothing great, his second debate was spectacular. It was a win by a knockout… I thought he had one of the biggest knockout debates in the history of presidential politics.”
He also shared his reaction to Trump's shout-out in the first debate, when he said critics who point out Trump was actually in favor of the Iraq War should “call Sean Hannity." He laughed, “My phone went nuts.” When asked who was blowing up his phone, Hannity replied, “You called!!! You said, "Hannity, what's up, man?" It's 'Extra,' 'Extra.'”
Hannity even acknowledged “SNL's” take on the presidential debate. “And then 'Saturday Night Live' made fun of it.” He praised Alec Baldwin taking on Trump, even though they haven't always seen eye to eye in the past. “Alec Baldwin and I have a history of killing each other. I've gotta give him credit… he nailed it.”
Hannity also turned the tables on AJ, asking, “I have no idea why you're here. I am not an entertainer. I am not funny. Why are you here?” AJ responded, “Are you watching the election?!?! We have someone big in entertainment who's almost the president of the free world!” Hannity added, “We can hope. We'll know pretty soon, right?”
Hannity made sure to show some love for “Extra,” saying, “'Extra,' 'Extra'… by the way, I go in a hotel room, all I see is Mario, 'Extra,''Extra.'”
Hannity is heading on the road next week, when he will be in Las Vegas doing live shows Monday through Wednesday ahead of the final presidential debate.
For wrapping up his interview, he had one wish for AJ, laughing, “I got him to vote for Trump! Get ready!”