May 18, 2016
Kate Hudson Reveals How She Maintains Her Sexy Shape

“Mother's Day” star Kate Hudson shows off her toned abs on the cover of Shape magazine's June issue, in which she opened up about her fit body, her diet, and mom Goldie Hawn.
The "Pretty Happy: Healthy Ways to Love Your Body” author and Fabletics activewear co-founder has been known for embracing her rockin' body on Instagram. She said, "I love my shape because I work really hard at it. I honor my body by working out and seeing what it can do.”
Her sexy bikini photos leave many wondering what kind of exercise she does. She revealed, "I was 19 when I discovered Pilates, and I'm still doing it. It's the workout my body really responds to. It's all about alignment, elongating your spine, and strengthening your core. It makes me feel my strongest.”

Her hot body is also a result of the food she puts into it. Of her diet, Hudson confessed, “Enjoying good food is a huge part of being healthy and happy. When I was growing up, everybody came to our place for dinner on Sundays. It was a joyful house. Food was very important; there was always something good cooking. Mom went to India a lot in the seventies, so she made curries and dal. She cooks Southern food, too — her dad was from Arkansas. She makes a mean biscuits and gravy and chicken and dumplings.”

She went on, "My mom has always been healthy, but she's not a health nut. I'm the same way. I absolutely believe in enjoying my food, especially when I travel. I don't eat a lot of meat when I'm home, but I can't be in Germany and not eat the bratwurst. I just love it so much.”
Check out a behind-the-scenes clip of Kate posing for the Shape's cover.
For more on Kate, grab a copy of the June issue of Shape!