Television August 15, 2011
'Kate Plus 8' Gets Deep Sixed; Gosselin Looks to Future
Celebrity mom Kate Gosselin and her brood of eight are getting a break from reality TV. TLC has decided to end "Kate Plus 8" after this season.

"TLC has decided not to renew another season of 'Kate Plus 8,'" a network rep told in a statement. "By the end of this season, 'Kate Plus 8' will have hit the 150 episode mark (including 'Jon & Kate Plus 8'); an exceptional milestone. TLC hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future."
Gosselin tweeted her response to the news. "We've had a great run! Six years of whirlwind fun-filled adventures, thanks to TLC and our many many supportive & diehard fans! While it is very sad for me and the kids (there were many tears at the breakfast table this morning!), we are looking forward with great anticipation to our bright future! As is very typical for me, I am choosing to see the positive in this situation and I am excited to consider many more invigorating opportunities that may come my way! I poured my entire self in2 last 6 yrs of 'Kate+8'"
The cable network gained big ratings with Kate's tumultuous and highly publicized split from Jon Gosselin in 2009.