Celebrity News March 21, 2011
Jake Gyllenhaal to 'Extra': 'You Can Pay for a Little Piece of Me'
"Extra's" Renee Bargh chatted with hunky "Source Code" star Jake Gyllenhaal about the intense action thriller that focuses on a soldier who wakes up in another man's body and begins to uncover the mystery behind the bombing of a Chicago commuter train.
This action-packed film sparked Renee to ask Gyllenhaal whether he will replace Matt Damon in the next "Bourne" movie. The actor replied, "That's quite a rumor and that would be amazing if that were true, but it's unfortunately not."
Jake also addressed the recent brawl in a Texas bathroom in which a man tried to snap a photo the star at an inopportune moment. "There are so many things going on in the world that are of so much more importance at this point that I wish to give my time to. In the wake of so many things going on, it's hard to even talk about things like that."
When asked if he's still "on the market," Gyllenhaal slyly answered, "By 'on the market' or 'off the market', do you mean I am a fresh vegetable or am I canned? Can you pay for me at the checkout? Is that what you mean? You can definitely pay for a little piece of me if you go see 'Source Code.'"
Get your little piece of Jake in "Source Code," opening in theaters April 1.