Television March 14, 2011
Vote! Who Will Be the Next 'Bachelorette'!
Excited "Bachelor" fans will finally find out who Brad Womack will propose to in tonight's season finale -- Emily Maynard or Chantal O'Brien.

The final episode will air tonight at 8:00 PM EST on ABC, followed by "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose" at 10:00 PM. The new "Bachelorette" will be announced on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" which begins at midnight EST. Frontrunners for the next star of "Bachelorette" include Ashley Hebert, Vienna Girardi, and Emily Maynard -- that is, if Brad doesn't give her the final rose.
"Extra" and PopEater want to know who you think will be the next star of "The Bachelorette." Vote now!