Celebrity News July 08, 2008
Hot CBS News: Lara Logan Preggers
Lara Logan, a former swimsuit model who became Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent for CBS, is pregnant and plans to marry her baby daddy, Joseph Burkett, a federal contractor stationed in Iraq who Logan met while reporting from Baghdad last year.
Lara says her own divorce will be final in two weeks, while Joseph's estranged wife Kimberly is accusing the 37-year-old Logan of breaking up her marriage -- a juicy divorce battle that will likely continue through the summer.
"Nobody likes to read about themselves like that, especially the way it's been sensationalized," Logan told the New York Post, adding, "But I'm just going to rise above it and keep going." Lara also said the baby is due in January, and she is "looking forward to being a mom."
Logan became a CBS correspondent and "60 Minutes II" contributor after reporting from Afghanistan following the Sept. 11 attacks.