Celebrity News May 23, 2016
Simon Cowell Reveals He Is Writing a Children’s Book, and His Secret Potion for Staying Young

Simon Cowell is heading back to TV! The creator of “America's Got Talent” is set to take a seat at the judges' table this summer, but he also has a new passion project he is only telling “Extra's” Terri Seymour about.
He is known as a media mogul around the world, but at home he is dad to 2-year-old Eric, something that has led him to decide to write a children's book.
“I have thought about it, and now I think I'll do it,” he said, adding, “It will be about animals… I've had to read a lot of these children's books and they're quite boring, I think I could do it better.” He isn't stopping there, “I'm going to make a children's TV show as well, a music show for kids.” He admitted he is doing it for Eric who will be featured in them. He is also creating a character based on himself, “Obviously sort of a hero figure.”
Before Eric can watch the shows that his daddy creates, Simon has been trying to expand his repertoire of current programming by taking “Dora the Explorer” out of rotation. “She's gone away on a really long holiday, unfortunately with that weird fox,” he said. He is replacing Dora with some of his favorites, “'Toy Story' and 'Shrek'... We watched the 'Good Dinosaur' the other day, that was good.”
Eric also likes swimming, “He could be an Olympic champion.” Learning to swim at a young age, he can now swim the whole length of their pool. “We taught him how to swim, he really took to it well, and he does, he swims whole lengths.”
Simon is taking fatherhood very seriously, and planning on being around for Eric for a long time with a freaky health concoction he's turned to for the fountain of youth. He told Terri he is still taking vitamin shots, drinking smoothies, and has tried a new drink, “It was something somebody recommended and even I went 'Christ this is a bit odd.'” What is it? “Caterpillars in tea,” he said. “It's a caterpillar that lives in a mushroom… you put it and the mushroom in tea.” He said he didn't actually drink the caterpillar, “Even I went this is a bit too crazy.”
The 56-year-old is ready for the crazy acts when “AGT” returns May 31. “I do think the talent is better this year or it's different let's put it that way. I think the singers are better than we've ever had before, for sure, the bad are potentially the worst I've ever seen… You just don't know what the acts are going to be like. There is a dog act that's hilarious which is kind of odd, it's going to be a really good season I think.”
Catch the premiere on NBC at 8 p.m. on May 31.