Television August 02, 2016
Bad Chad Makes Brutal Prediction About JoJo & Jordan’s ‘Bachelorette’ Engagement

Chad Johnson, aka “Bad Chad,” didn't find love on “The Bachelorette” this season, but he is headed to “Bachelor in Paradise” for a second chance. Earlier this morning, Johnson joined “Extra's” Charissa Thompson at Universal Studios, where he shared his brutally honest thoughts on JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers' engagement.
Though JoJo and Jordan professed their love for each other on last night's finale, Chad was skeptical about their relationship. He said, "We'll see how long that lasts. It will last until the money dies off, then it will fizzle out.”
Chad was adamant that Jordan was on the show for the wrong reasons, explaining, “Even his ex-girlfriend said he was just looking for fame… Everything out of the guy's mouth was just what he thought would sound good on camera.”
Bad Chad, who didn't put on a show for the cameras, admitted he did all the things that earned him the title of villain. “It made me look bad, but at the same time I did all of those things… I'd still do it over the same way.”
Chad also earned another name, “Mista Steal Your Girl,” after posting pics with runner-up Robbie Hayes' ex-girlfriend, Hope Higginbotham. Last week, Chad defended both Hope and Grant's ex-girlfriend Jen on the “The Men Tell All” special. Robby and Grant allegedly broke up with their girlfriends to go on the show. Chad said, “I met Hope and she is an amazing girl.”
Though he did not reveal if they hooked up or not, Johnson laughed, “I don't kizzle and tizzle.”
What Chad did share is if he would ever sign on for “The Bachelor,” commenting, “I think that's something you can't say no to, but it won't happen.” He smiled, “We did joke, like, it'd be funny if I were the Bachelor and all the past contestants' ex-girlfriends [were the contestants].”
"Extra" special correspondent Hannah Kahn also recently caught up with Johnson, who dished on how he got his chiseled bod. Watch!
Find out what happens when “Bad Chad” returns to TV on “Bachelor in Paradise,” tonight on ABC.