Celebrity News July 01, 2022
Youtuber Technoblade, 23, Announces Death in Final Message to Fans

In a heartbreaking message to fans, Technoblade has revealed his identity and announced his own death at just 23 years old.
The YouTuber and Minecraft streamer, who had more than 10 million subscribers, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last August.
His grieving father shared photos and read the message from Technoblade in a video titled “so long nerds.”
The note said, “Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you're watching this I am dead so let's sit down and have one final chat. My real name is Alex.” He went on to thank fans for supporting him over the years and for buying merch that will now help send his siblings to college, adding, “If they want to. I don't want to put any dead-brother peer pressure on them.”
He continued, “That's all from me. Thank you all for supporting my content over the years. If I had another 100 lives, I think I would choose to be Technoblade again every single time as those were the happiest years of my life. I hope you guys enjoyed my content and that I made some of you laugh, and I hope you all go on to live long, prosperous, and happy lives because I love you guys. Technoblade out.”
Afterward, his father shared, “We've been talking for a couple of months about Alex doing a final video. Sometimes he called it a face reveal. We were going to shoot it in his living room, but we kind of waited too long. Then we were going to shoot it from his bed. He wanted to have everything he wanted to say written down ahead of time, and I think he was having a hard time focusing.”
He said eventually they talked about Alex writing a message and his dad reading it, but the gamer was “having a hard time.” His father recalled saying, “You don't have to do anything else — you've done so much for so many people,” but told his son that if he did want to write something not to wait any longer.
That’s when Alex took his dad’s laptop and began to write. His dad said, “I don't think he said everything he wanted to say but I think he got the main points. He finished that up and then he was done. He lived about another eight hours after that. We all said goodbye. He was the most amazing kid anyone could ever ask for.”
He heartbroken father ended with, “I miss Technoblade. Thank you to all of you for everything. You meant a lot to him.”
Technoblade, who started posting videos in 2013, shielded his identity, but did post about his cancer battle.
He revealed in August that he had gone to see a doctor due to an arm injury that turned out to be a symptom of cancer and had started chemotherapy.
Technoblade posted an update in December, revealing that he nearly had his arm amputated but had opted for a procedure that would allow him to keep his arm.
He never shared what type of cancer he was battling, but did hold a fundraiser that brought in $350,000 for the Sarcoma Foundation of America.