Celebrity News August 13, 2018
Paris Jackson Undergoes Surgery for Golf Ball-Sized Abscess

Paris Jackson has revealed that she had to undergo minor surgery last week.
In an Instagram Story posted on Saturday, Paris said “an abscess that was almost the size of a golf ball” was removed. She pointed out that if an abscess pops, “you can go septic and die, but I didn't die. They operated immediately.”
Jackson also went into detail about the surgery, saying she declined anesthesia and “was awake for all of it.” She added, “It was definitely the most pain that I've ever been through in my entire life.”
Jackson was well enough this past weekend to perform with her new band, The Soundflowers, at a fundraiser for the F**k Cancer organization, which was attended by grandma Katherine Jackson, 88.
After the concert, the 20-year-old said, “We played a show today, and we didn't completely suck, and my f—ing grandma was there, and I'm so relieved that she didn't hate it, that she actually liked it. And, I don't know, that means the world to me. Also sorry if i sound weird, I'm on a lot of meds right now to kind of get me through the pain of the procedure. I shouldn't have even left bed today.”
Katherine helped raise Paris and brothers Prince and Blanket following the 2009 death of their father, Michael Jackson.