Celebrity News July 24, 2012
Will Katherine Jackson Lose Custody of Michael's Kids?

Michael Jackson's three children could be removed from their grandmother Katherine's care, reports TMZ. Apparently, the executors of MJ's estate are drafting up emergency guardianship papers this week.
Why? They allege that Katherine, 82, was effectively kidnapped by her children, leaving Paris, Prince Michael and Blanket without proper supervision.
The guardianship dispute comes on the heels of a domestic disturbance at Katherine's home on Monday. The cops were called, but no arrests were made. Watch a surveillance video in which Janet Jackson is seen trying to take away Paris' cell phone.
Katherine's attorney told "Extra," "Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson's home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson's children. After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael's children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the wellbeing of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene."
The lawyer added, "Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted that a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren."
The guardianship concerns and domestic disturbance are a continuation of major drama within the Jackson family, which began Sunday when reports surfaced that matriarch Katherine had gone missing.
Katherine's nephew, Trent, filed the missing persons report, and Paris tweeted that she hadn't seen her grandmother in a week and was very concerned.
This was soon rectified when authorities discovered that Katherine had gone to Arizona to visit her daughter, Rebbie, and other family members, and that the grandmother had let her three young charges know where she was going.
X17online.com reports Trent, who is being investigated for falsely filing a missing persons report, is now also banning other Jackson family members from seeing the kids at the house.
A source told X17, "Trent has instructed security to not allow family into the home… He knows he's been caught and now he's trying to use the children to cover it up."
The family source added, "Paris has confided in her cousins that Trent and a security member have been 'putting her up to tweeting out messages against the family.'”
Aside from being investigated for filing a bogus missing persons report, Trent is also allegedly named in a pending elder abuse investigation being conducted by the L.A. Sheriff's Department.
According to Katherine's attorney, Prince, Paris, and Blanket have not been in touch with their grandmother since she left home nine days ago and that L.A. County Sheriff's were denied access to the matriarch by security when they tried to reach her in Arizona.