Celebrity News September 13, 2018
Sterling K. Brown Defends Olivia Munn for Speaking Up About 'The Predator' Sex Offender

Last week, Olivia Munn stood her ground, demanding that an actor be removed from the final cut of her new movie, “The Predator,” after learning he was a registered sex offender.
At the Los Angeles premiere of “The Predator” on Wednesday night, “Extra's” Renee Bargh spoke with Munn, who said about the controversial scene, “We all worked so hard on this movie so, you know, it would be really hard to promote it and to enjoy it and to feel like we've put out something that we can all stand behind, and now that it's deleted, we can all do that.”
Of her decision to speak up, Munn asked, “How could you not do that, like, what's the other option? To be quiet?”
Her co-star Sterling K Brown revealed why he supported Olivia, saying, “It's important, man, because everybody deserves to be safe and feel safe… And it was a real wonderful opportunity for me to take a pause and say, 'What must it be like for my female castmates who had to share a scene with a confirmed sex offender, a man who tried to hook up with this 14-year-old cousin or family member?' It's skeevy… I'm happy she said something. I'm happy that this dude doesn't get to share in our glory, because we worked real hard for this film and we get to enjoy it as a collective.”
Director Shane Black placed the blame on himself, saying he feels responsible for the sex offender being in the movie in the first place. He said, “I am disappointed in myself. It's not about him, it's on me. I am supposed to vet things, I am the captain of this ship, I am not supposed to make choices for my actors... if I had known the things I should have known, I wouldn't have cast him.”
The minor involved in the case is also speaking out against the sex offender, telling The Los Angeles Times, “I was not able to speak for myself when I was 14. The consequences of this abuse are profound and permanent for some. When the abuse takes place with a child, it is even harder to overcome. You lose trust in everyone around you, and mainly yourself. Your abuse does not define you. With support from others and strength from within, you can overcome the label of 'victim' and reclaim your identity.”
“I have no shame for what was done to me. I am not the one who needs to carry that shame. My name is Paige Carnes, former Jane Doe,” the now-24-year-old said.
Carnes also expressed appreciation for Munn, saying, “I am also eternally grateful for Olivia Munn's action. She spoke up for me. She took a stance for me. In turn, she stood for all who have suffered like I have. To be acknowledged by a stranger, on a public platform, about this issue is incredibly empowering. The positive feedback from social media towards Olivia Munn is uplifting and feels incredibly supportive for me personally.”
Fox has released its own statement on the registered sex offender, Steven Striegel, telling Variety, “Our studio was not aware of Mr. Striegel's background when he was hired. Several weeks ago, when the studio learned the details, his one scene in the film was removed within 24 hours. We were not aware of his background during the casting process due to legal limitations that impede studios from running background checks on actors.”
“The Predator,” a reimagining for the '80s classic "Predator" about a lethal alien invasion, is in theaters September 14.