Celebrity News February 07, 2018
Alec Baldwin Undergoes Hip Replacement Surgery

Earlier this morning, actor Alec Baldwin underwent successful hip replacement surgery and is already on the road to recovery.
His wife Hilaria shared a health update with a pic of herself holding Alec's hand. She wrote on Instagram, “Thank you for your kind wishes. I know many of you are anxious to hear how he is doing. We have been here since very early...All went well in surgery and I am with him in recovery. 💛 to all #wegotthis2018.”
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The night before, Hilaria revealed that they would be the hospital “bright and early for his hip to be replaced.” She added, “Think good thoughts for us. We are gonna eat lightly, relax, and take deep breaths #WeGotThis2018.”
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While he's recovering, Alec and Hilaria are awaiting the arrival of their fourth child. In November, she announced they were expecting again, writing on Instagram, “Our Baldwinitos are getting a new teammate this spring. We are so excited!”