Celebrity News July 28, 2016
Chelsea Clinton on Her Parents, Kids, and Friendship with Ivanka Trump Ahead of DNC Speech

Chelsea Clinton, the former first daughter who could find herself with that title again is getting ready to take the stage at the DNC tonight. Chelsea is set to introduce her mother Hillary, who will accept the Democratic nomination for president. Earlier today in Philadelphia, Chelsea opened up to “Extra's” AJ Calloway about her parents, her life at home, and her friend Ivanka Trump, who recently introduced her dad Donald before his Republican-nomination acceptance speech.
Chelsea admitted that watching her dad, former President Bill Clinton, speak about her mom at the DNC Wednesday night was a very touching moment for her. “I had to work hard to not cry at many points throughout the speech because I think America got to see why my dad so strongly believes that my mom is the right leader for our country at this moment. America also got to see why he's loved her for so long, and hopefully also understands about why I'm really proud to be his daughter.”
As for how her dad is feeling before Hillary accepts the nomination tonight, Chelsea shared, “He's so excited.”
Clinton also explained how she is handling all the attacks against her mother. “Well, I know they're not talking about the woman I love, the person who is my role model, who's my hero not only as a mom but as a working mom.”
With her speech tonight, Chelsea is hoping to get her point across effectively, saying, “I really wish — I hope, I pray — that at the end of my few minutes, people across the country will understand, even a little bit more about why I'm so proud to be my mother's daughter.”
The 36-year-old is not getting a lot of sleep with two little ones to care for, but that's not stopping her from being thrilled for her mom tonight. “I was up three times last month with Aidan, but I think it'll be okay, I hope.”
When asked what Bill would like to be called if Hillary wins the presidency, Chelsea said, “First laddy. He would reach back to his Irish heritage. But I think I have to pull daughter rank… I think first gentlemen has a nice ring to it."
Chelsea just welcomed her son Aidan in June. Of her children, she gushed, "We're so blessed — they're healthy, they're thriving."
When asked about how her daughter Charlotte, 2, is handling her role as big sister, Chelsea shared, "That was a big source of anxiety for us, how was she going to feel when she realized she wasn't the single source of the universe for us but had to share that place in our lives. Thankfully, she's really excited. She wants to be around him. Our major challenge is she wants to try to hold him, so we have to explain to her although he's littler than she is, she is not yet big enough, so we compromise — she holds his feet.”
Chelsea also raved about Hillary and Bill as grandparents who help change diapers! She said, “Diapers, they help put both children to bed, for our daughter they help feed her, which is great… Some days, she eats everything on her plate and some days she decides it's not what she wants to do, so lots of singing, lots of cajoling — my parents are really good at that.”
Despite the election battle between her mom and Donald Trump, it has not affected her friendship with Ivanka Trump, reaffirming that they are “absolutely” friends. She reiterated, “It has nothing to do with politics. We were friends before this election, we'll be friends after this election.”
Chelsea even watched Ivanka's speech at the DNC, saying, “She was great.”