March 17, 2016
Sarah Palin Gives Update on Todd’s Health Following Horrific Accident

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin took to Facebook today to give fans an update on her husband Todd's health following his horrific snowmobile accident earlier this week.
She started her post with an Irish proverb: "A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything."
Palin continued, "Thank you for lifting Todd up in prayer. He's still in ICU under care of a superbly skilled staff. A long surgery repaired numerous breaks in Todd's upper body, docs essentially lifted and secured every rib with steel bands, anchored the broken clavicle with plates and rods, set aside repair of a broken shoulder for later (also later are more minor things like ACL/MCL knee injuries), still mechanically inflating one collapsed lung while other bruised lung, liver, etc., are watched; chest drain is working overtime to keep things clear."
The Republican politician added, "Requiring a bit more than our usual fix-all up here - Duct tape - some gnarly incisions to enter his innards will be reminders of how life can change in the blink of an eye. (And skating through TSA detectors with bionic parts will now be anything but the blink of an eye!)"
Sarah noted she was thankful for modern medicine, including “3-D X-rays, temporary pain blockers and epidurals.”
“I'm voting for their continued use until a resting position is found that allows minimal wincing with each breath,” she said.
Todd is currently being treated at Mat-Su Regional Hospital in Palmer, Alaska.
Sarah praised the hospital staff and the snowmachiners who helped Todd the night of the accident. “Thank you to the still-mysterious snowmachiner(s) who came upon the wreck and provided critical help that night. I hope to meet you soon!”