Health & Beauty December 16, 2014
Ricky Martin Superfan Undergoes Plastic Surgery to Look Like His Idol
One superfan has gone to great lengths to look like his idol, singer Ricky Martin.
Fran Mariano, an Argentinian known for participating in the show “Cuestion de Peso,” subjected himself to more than half a dozen surgeries, and now he feels satisfied with the results. See pic here!
Speaking with the Argentinian newspaper Diario Show, Mariano explained, “I operated my nose for the fourth time, had liposuction on my cheeks and with that same fat had lipo-transference in the cheekbones.”
He continued, “Then I took off the nasolabial folds from my face and they were filled with methacrylate as well as in the forehead. Also, I got a touch-up on the chin for the third time, for poor scarring… I was operated [last Saturday] with [Dr.] Anibal Lotocki, and I'm really happy with the changes that I'm having.”
Even though Mariano went through these extreme physical changes, he is still longing to find love. “The reality is that every time I submit myself for surgery, I deposit many hopes and a lot of pain as well, for all the time that I felt different. However, no surgery fills the void I have."
He added, “In fact I have spent all day crying, I think that I seek perfection in me, but I cannot find someone to love me.”