Celebrity News March 22, 2010
Jesse James: The Tattooed Lady Speaks
Michelle "Bombshell" McGee reportedly returned to work at Pure Platinum Strip Club in San Diego on Saturday, just four days after the bombshell reveal of an 11-month affair with Sandra Bullock's husband, Jesse James.
"He was a nice guy -- most guys who do what he does have an attitude," she told the New York Post. "But he was gentle."
Although McGee tells the Post she's upset James hasn't called to apologize, her main concern is her current custody battle with ex-husband Ronald Shane Modica for their 5-year-old son, Avery.
McGee's ex filed for temporary and legal custody of their son on Friday. He is fearful that Avery may be in danger in light of the allegations. "If she sees Avery, she will bring these curiosity seekers and glory hounds down on herself and Avery, totally confusing him and frankly scaring him," Modica wrote in legal papers.
The judge denied Modica's request for custody.