Swedish singing sensation Lykke Li agreed to pen a song for the hotly anticipated "New Moon" soundtrack -- but only because she felt she "connected with Bella and Edward's tortured love story."
Li, 23, was undecided when she was approached about working on the soundtrack because she had yet to read the vampire novels or see the first film. "Everyone kept asking me if I wanted to do it... and I was like, 'Eh, I don't know, maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't,'" she told MTV, laughing. "I mean, I had heard of the 'Twilight' phenomenon, but I didn't read the books or watch the first movie or anything. I mean, I'm Swedish."
The "Little Bit" singer's attitude changed when she saw the unfinished version of "New Moon" and was hooked. "I watched the movie when it only had green screen on it. I had this hook in my mind, even before I saw the movie, and then I was watching it, and I was like, 'That's the hook!' So it was very much like a discovery, inside myself and musically. I had this song growing inside of me that I had to get out, and the film was the trigger. Because I really connected with Bella and Edward's tortured love story."
After seeing the footage, Li wrote "Possibility" for the soundtrack. "It's really quite serious," she says of the song. "It's almost like a fever haze. It's very repetitive, like a mood you go into. But it's really serious, because, if you're really, really in love, and somebody leaves you, that's a very serious thing."
Lykke then jumped at the opportunity to tie-in her tune with Robert Pattinson's leading man status, and teens who fall head over heels for the vampire. "I know Robert Pattinson is this big teen idol, but I remember watching 'Romeo & Juliet' with Leonardo DiCaprio, and I was, like, in love. I cried, like, five times. And the soundtrack to that movie is so good, you know? Really well-chosen songs -- not commercial. I think it's great, and hopefully we can do that again."
"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" soundtrack hits stores Friday.
Kristen returns as Bella Swan — but expect a more brooding, darker performance. Bella is heartbroken in “New Moon” after Edward leaves her — but things change when she grows closer with Jacob Black.
In the novel, Edward is hardly seen, but in the film version of “New Moon,” RPattz fans will see plenty of Mr. Cullen. Audiences will see Edward appear as a figment of Bella's imagination. Plus, he makes his long-awaited return to the screen after his brush with the Volturi in Italy.
Jacob Black returns in a big way for “New Moon,” going front and center as Bella's new love interest. Taylor packed on nearly 30 lbs. of muscle for the role.
Alice Cullen returns to Forks, Wash. when Bella's near-death experience causes Edward to attempt the unthinkable.
Readers learn more about Dr. Carlisle Cullen's tumultuous history in “New Moon.”
Elizabeth plays Esme Cullen, matriarch of the Cullen family.
Kellan returns as Emmett Cullen, companion to Rosalie. Kellan dyed his natural blond hair brunette for the role.
Rosalie Hale is still not entirely fond of Bella in “New Moon.” In fact, she tells Edward that Bella might be dead — causing him to seek out the Volturi.
Jasper attacks Bella during her birthday celebration, causing Edward to fear for Bella's life and blame himself for putting her in danger. Jasper's actions are the catalyst for Edward's decision to end his life.
Bronson plays Jared, a werewolf in Jacob's pack.
Alex plays Paul, a werewolf prone to angry outbursts. Bella describes him as “a massive, crouched shape, ready to spring.”
Kiowa plays Embry, a member of Jacob's pack.
Billy returns as Charlie Swan, Bella's father. Charlie is devastated when he can't pull Bella out of her depression. He describes her as acting as if someone had died, and is delighted when Bella takes up with Jacob.
Chaske plays Sam Uley, leader of the La Push werewolf pack and a major impact on Jacob's life.
Edi plays Laurent, one of the three nomadic vampires from “Twilight.” Laurent returns to kill Bella — but is unsuccessful.
Rachelle plays Victoria, the villainous vampire bent on killing Bella. This is the last fans will see of Rachelle, though — actress Bryce Dallas Howard is replacing her in “Eclipse.”
Michael plays Aro, leader of the Volturi. Aro can read minds — and he has a dangerous fascination with Bella.
Charlie plays Demetri, a member of the Volturi Guard known as a “tracker.” His tracking abilities are said to be better than James'.
Daniel plays Felix, a member of the Volturi Guard known for his immense strength.
Dakota plays Jane, a powerful member of the Volturi who can inflict pain with a simple glance.
Graham plays Harry Clearwater, father of Seth and Leah Clearwater and tribal leader of the Quileute tribe. Harry suffers from heart problems in “New Moon.”
Anna plays Jessica Stanley, one of Bella's first friends in Forks — but the two have a falling out in “New Moon” when Bella can't pull herself out of her depression.
Michael plays Mike Newton, a classmate with a crush on Bella. In “New Moon,” Mike asks Bella every day if she'll come to work and nearly gives up on her.
Christian plays Angela Weber, who becomes one of Bella's best friends in “New Moon.” Bella loves that Angela doesn't talk as much as Jessica.
Gil plays Billy Black, Jacob's father and Charlie's best friend. He's among the first to find Bella after Edward leaves her in the woods.
Noot plays Heidi, a member of the Volturi guard who lures humans to eat. She's known as “bait.”
Cameron plays Alec, one of the Volturi's most trusted guards. He is Jane's brother and has the ability to make a person blind, deaf and numb to feeling.
Jamie plays Caius, a cruel and cold member of the Volturi who won't let Bella leave Italy alive.
Justin returns as Eric Yorkie, Bella's classmate.
Tyson (right) plays Quil Ateara, who becomes increasingly worried about Jacob being a werewolf in “New Moon.”
Director Chris Weitz replaces “Twilight” director Catherine Hardwicke for “New Moon.” His directing credits include “The Golden Compass” and “About a Boy.”
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