June 23, 2009
Dr. Amen Answers Questions about ADD, Stress
Lifechanger Dr. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist and brain image specialist, is answering questions from "Extra" Friends on various topics -- from treating ADD to handling extreme stress.
Q: I have add 27/m and have a son that will be 6yrs old. i am currently unemployed and i am experiencing extreme stress to the point that my muscles in my body are sore and tense and i have isolated my self from everyone. Is this extreme stress to the point of feeling literal sedation normal? what can i do to recover from this?? any advice as to why and what to do to change this? - Dennis
A: Stress can rob us of our happiness and health. Take time each day to do a simple meditation and correct any negative thoughts that go through your mind. Having a stress-busting routine is critical during difficult periods in life.
Q: Liked the info on the brain. however ADD info incomplete. Treat it how??? with meds? taking bloodwork and verifying what chemical imbalance a child has?? I have a grandson diagnosed as ADD would like some help- dalia
A: See my book, "Healing ADD," for a more complete explanation. It is usually diagnosed with a good clinical history. Sometimes the brain imaging work we do can also b e helpful. To treat ADD, I start by making sure the diet is good, exercise and fish oil. Then, depending on the type of ADD, I may use supplements or medication. I have an online ADD test at amenclinics.com.
Lifechanger Dr. Daniel Amen
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