News September 26, 2016
Donald vs. Hillary! Celebrities React to First Presidential Debate

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton went head-to-head Monday night in the first presidential debate of 2016! More than 80 million tuned in to watch the face-off, with FOX News Channel nabbing the most cable viewers — over 11 million.
The debate was the highest rated in history... and the stars were watching, too! Read on to see how celebrities reacted on social media.
drinking game for tonight is to never stop
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Hillary Clinton showed us, for the millionth time, just how qualified she is for this job. Sleep well knowing a remarkable woman is ready.
It's like the Super Bowl but for the apocalypse. #debates
Wait. She did not run ads that say mean things. She ran ads that use audio of his own mean nasty statements. #Debates2016
Now entering the debates ...
Mr President ...
God is with you !!@realDonaldTrump
I'm so confused. He is just talking and talking saying nothing omg help it's like having a convo at a party you want to run from!
This is like watching a frog sitting in water that is boiling slowly... #debates
Now we are making fun of fat people? So all hackers are 400 pounds? Dude clearly doesn't watch Mr Robot.
Wow! That debate changed literally everyone's mind! Which means we're right back where we started... #debatenight
The late night hosts, including Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers, also made jokes about the debate in the shows. Watch!