Celebrity News April 29, 2008
Ashley Dupré Sues 'Girls Gone Wild'

Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the Jersey hooker at the center of former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer's scandal, is making headlines again -- by suing "Girls Gone Wild" founder Joe Francis and his film company for $10 million!
The fallen call girl claims that Francis and "GGW" representatives offered her alcohol while on spring break in Florida 2003, and cajoled her into exposing herself topless to their cameras. Dupré, who was 17 at the time, was not of proper legal age to sign a release allowing her to be in the video.
Ashley claims that "Girls Gone Wild" has illegally exploited her in many facets in ad campaigns and websites. She has not appeared in public since her scandal with the Love Guv came to light.
Francis claims that he is "surprised and in face amazed" by the lawsuit, since he has not released the video of Ashley. "She's seeking $10 million for topless photos taken in front of a room full of people, including two newspapers and multiple crews we had in the room," says Francis, "these images were taken in public places and contain no sexual contact. We expect to triumph in this matter."
Frances adds that he has a filmed consent from Ashley. He's currently battling separate charges in Florida for allegedly filming underage girls in Panama City, who he claims lied about their age.